
Featured image for “Metaverse Ecosystem Smackdown 2023”

Metaverse Ecosystem Smackdown 2023

Kelly Cromwell
February 2, 2023
Which open world metaverse will reign supreme (and which one is right for you?) Metaverse ecosystems are virtual worlds that allow users to interact with each other and engage in a variety of activities. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in metaverse ecosystems, as they offer a new way for people to connect, create, and play. The
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Featured image for “10 Ways to Boost Your Nonprofit Marketing Strategy – Part 2”

10 Ways to Boost Your Nonprofit Marketing Strategy – Part 2

Kelly Cromwell
August 30, 2022
Continuing part 2 with simple marketing tools and tactics that help your nonprofit marketing strategy do more with less.
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Featured image for “10 Ways to Boost your Nonprofit Marketing Strategy”

10 Ways to Boost your Nonprofit Marketing Strategy

Kelly Cromwell
August 30, 2022
Simple digital marketing best practices for nonprofits to help mitigate operational risks while boosting your nonprofit marketing strategy.
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Featured image for “Honouring The Stories During National Indigenous Peoples Day”

Honouring The Stories During National Indigenous Peoples Day

June 20, 2022
ev+AGENCY is very honoured to salute National Indigenous Peoples Day. It’s a day where Canadians recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. For us at ev+AGENCY, it’s more personal. National Indigenous Peoples Day is about storytelling and the sharing of well crafted stories that enlighten the senses, lift the
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Featured image for “ev+AGENCY Celebrates Pride Month”

ev+AGENCY Celebrates Pride Month

June 3, 2022
We all have a purpose, and the right to live out our purpose with freedom and dignity. As we embark on the month of June, the ev+AGENCY team would like to salute and celebrate Pride Month. To us, Pride Month is much more than a movement celebrating the LGBTQ+ community, it’s about people discovering, accepting, and feeling free to live
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Featured image for “Streaming Your Brand’s Message”

Streaming Your Brand’s Message

Travis Grant
August 26, 2020
The streaming wars are well underway. It’s not a literal war, of course. More a battle for supremacy and market share in a space where evolving technology and the way people use it are redefining not only how we consume content but how brands are built and audiences reached. For a lot of people over the age of 30, the
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Featured image for “Developing Your Brand’s Voice”

Developing Your Brand’s Voice

Travis Grant
July 16, 2020
At ev+ AGENCY, we love to talk about branding—a lot. It’s a subject you can deep dive, covering everything from philosophy to strategy to pop cultural impact. So far our series on branding has covered a lot of ground, including the basic fundamentals of what branding is, brand essence, and the strategic concepts of brand positioning. In this installment, I’m
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Featured image for “Brand Positioning”

Brand Positioning

Travis Grant
June 24, 2020
Previously in our series on branding, I talked about the “why” of your brand and the importance of understanding and articulating its essence. In this third installment, I’m going to build on those topics and talk about positioning your brand in the minds of your audience, in a way that differentiates it from competitors.  What is Brand Positioning? Have you
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Featured image for “Brand Essence Explained”

Brand Essence Explained

Travis Grant
June 13, 2020
When we’re talking about branding, we’re essentially talking about building emotional continuity with audiences, beginning with a clear understanding not of what you do or even how you do it, but why you do it in the first place. It’s an important first step toward realizing a golden maxim of marketing: how you think and feel about a brand is
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Featured image for “What is Branding?”

What is Branding?

Travis Grant
June 1, 2020
One thing I’ve learned in my career is that “branding” means different things to different people. For those who aren’t marketers, the word is sometimes used interchangeably with the idea of a visual identity, like a logo. Fair enough. It’s a brand mark, after all. So isn’t that your brand? Well, it’s a bit more complex than that.  This is
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